Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Crushing Hard & The Muse

Somehow I feel very close with my craft and at the same time very far away. Somehow I know her but she is too distant from me to get at her and really know her. The duality of this paradigm is not as separate as it may seem. Like Plotinus' fire, only light exists. Therefore darkness is merely the absence of light. Light being truth, the absence of light being the absence of truth.

The truth is I have much to learn. My muse will bring me closer to the light.

Hesiod, the Greek poet said of the muses, "They are all of one mind, their hearts are set upon song and their spirit is free from care. He is happy whom the Muses love. For though a man has sorrow and grief in his soul, yet when the servant of the Muses sings, at once he forgets his dark thoughts and remembers not his troubles. Such is the holy gift of the Muses to men. (40 Edith Hamilton's Mythology)"

Monday, July 20, 2009

Light and the Happiest Day of my Life

"We are not separated from spirit, we are in it."
"Never did eye see the sun unless it had first become sun-like, and never can the soul have vision of the First Beauty unless itself be beautiful."
-Plotinus 3rd Century AD

Everything I have witnessed of life leads me to believe in energy. That all living things physical or symbolic exude some amount of energy, a light invisible to the human eye but visible in the universal eye. Perhaps it is an effect of the stars in the sky of endless space, perhaps the tiny atoms floating around us constantly effecting each other unnoticed, perhaps its our human awareness of its existence. As if each of us could sense the others light or that each of our lights were somehow attracted to each other.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Human Soul

"Pick two twinkling points of obsolete light in the sky above us. It doesn't matter what they are, except that they must twinkle. If they don't twinkle they are either planets or satellites...Now then: Whatever heavenly bodies those two glints represent, it is certain that the Universe has become so rarefied that for light to go from one to the other would take thousands or millions of years. But I now ask you to look precisely at one, and then precisely at the other...It took a second, do you think?...Even if you'd taken an hour something would have passed between where those two heavenly bodies used to be, at, conservatively speaking, a million times the speed of light...Your awareness. That is the new quality in the Universe, which exists only because there are human beings. Physicists must from now on, when pondering the secrets of the Cosmos, factor in not only energy and matter and time, but something very new and beautiful, which is human awareness...I have thought of a better word than awareness. Let us call it soul. (242-243)" - Kurt Vonnegut as Kilgore Trout

Rousseau's Cunning

"In the country of the blind the one-eyed man is king; I passed for a good teacher, because the rest in the town were bad. (181)"

"To try and make young people attend to the lesson you wish to give them by dangling in front of their eyes the prospect of something very interesting to follow is a most common mistake in teachers. (186)"