Saturday, October 24, 2009


"The actor has spirit but little conscience of the spirit. Always he has faith in that with which he inspires the most faith - faith in himself. Tomorrow he has a new faith, the day after tomorrow a newer one. He has quick senses, like the people, and capricious moods. To overflow - that means to him: to prove. To drive to frenzy - that means to him: to persuade. And blood is to him the best of all reasons. A truth that slips into delicate ears alone he calls a lie and nothing. Verily, he believes only in gods who make a big noise in the world! (164)"

"Slow is the experience of all deep wells: long must they wait before they know what dell into their depth. (164)"

"Verily, the clever ego, the loveless ego that desires its own profit in the profit of the many - that is not the origin of the herd, but its going under. (172)"

"Higher than love of the neighbor is love of the farthest and the future; higher yet than the love of human beings I esteem the love of things and ghosts. This ghost that runs after you, my brother, is more beautiful than you; why do you not give him your flesh and your bones? But you are afraid and run to your neighbor... I teach you not the neighbor, but the friend. The friend should be the festival of the earth to you and an anticipation of the overman. I teach you the friend and his overflowing heart. But one must learn to be a sponge if one wants to be loved by hearts that overflow. I teach you the friend in whom the world stands completed, a bowl of goodness - the creating friend who always has a completed world to give away. And as the world rolled apart for him, it rolls together again in circles for him, as the becoming of the good through evil, as the becoming of purpose out of accident. (173-174)"

"Lonely one, you are going the way of the lover: yourself you love, and therefore you despise yourself, as only lovers despise. The lover would create because he despises. What does he know of love who did not have to despise precisely what he loved!... With my tears go into loneliness, my brother. I love him who wants to create over and beyond himself and thus perishes. (177)"

"A real man wants two things: danger and play. Therefore he wants woman as the most dangerous plaything... Woman understands children better than man does, but man is more childlike than woman. In a real man a child is hidden - and wants to play... Let woman be a plaything, pure and fine, like a gem, irradiated by the virtues of a world that has not yet arrived. Let the radiance of a star shine through your love! Let your hope be: May I give birth to the overman! (178)"

"Tell me: how did gold attain the highest value? Because it is uncommon and useless and gleaming and gentle in its splendor; it always gives itself. Only as the image of the highest virtue did gold attain the highest value. Goldlike gleam the eyes of the giver. Golden splendor makes peace between moon and sun. Uncommon is the highest virtue and useless; it is gleaming and gentle in its splendor: a gift-giving virtue is the highest virtue. (186)"

"Wake and listen, you that are lonely! From the future come winds with secret wing-beats; and good tidings are proclaimed to delicate ears. You that are lonely today, you that are withdrawing, you shall one day be the people: out of you, who have chosen yourselves, there shall grow a chosen people - and out of them, the overman. Verily, the earth shall yet become a site of recovery. And even now a fragrance surrounds it, bringing salvation - and a new hope. (189)"

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